Newsletter - ECN


The European CIIP Newsletter (ECN) is a focused dissemination organ for fostering the cooperation between the CI(I)P research communities and See critical infrastructure
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and CII stakeholders. Between 2006 and 2010, 13 issues of the ECN have been published, partly supported by the EU projects CI2RCO and IRRIIS. CIPRNet continues to support the publication of the ECN until 2017.

Target audiences

The ECN addresses the See critical infrastructure protection
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and CIIP research communities, policy makers, See critical infrastructure
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operators, crisis managers and civil protection agencies.

Download current issue 26 (Vol. 11, No. 1)


The scope of the ECN includes but is not limited to:

Call for papers

Our target audiences are kindly invited to submit articles for publications in the ECN. Please download the current ECN template here.

If possible, please include a photo of the corresponding and/or main author. For any other images included in the article, please ensure that you have the permission to use those images.

Please send your article to the editor in chief or to the co-editor of the targeted ECN issue.

Current issue 26 (Vol. 11, No. 1) – Table of Contents

Download Issue 26 (Vol. 11, No. 1)

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