16-17.03.2017: CIPRNet FINAL CONFERENCE "CASCADING EFFECTS CONFERENCE: Understanding, modelling and managing cascading effects in crises" Joint conference by the EU-funded projects: CIPRNet, CascEff, FORTRESS, PREDICT and SnowBall, Brussels
20.02.2017: Newsletter ECN volume 11, number 1 (issue 26) published! Download from this page
17.02.2017: New open access book edited by R. Setola, V. Rosato, E. Kyriakides and E. Rome now available: Managing the Complexity of Critical Infrastructures
07.02.2017: The CIPRNet documentary movie is now available
05.12.2016: Newsletter ECN volume 10, number 3 (issue 25) published! Download from this page.
23.-24.11.2016: Third CIPRNet Master Class took place in Sankt Augustin.
10.-12.10.2016: CRITIS 2016 took place in Paris, France.
12.07.2016: The recorded CIPRNet Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is a modelling standard emerged from the domain of water system simulation.
[Click for more information]OpenMI-Webinar is available on-line
21.04.2016: CIPRNet Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is a modelling standard emerged from the domain of water system simulation.
[Click for more information]OpenMI-Webinar. Read More.
01.04.2016: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 10, No. 1, Issue 23) published
01.03.2016: The Call for Papers for CRITIS 2016 has been launched.
01.03.2016: CIPRNet Lecture on Introduction to CIPRNet, Sankt Augustin, Germany
20.02.2016: CIPRNet Lecture on Avoid enlarging a disaster: take care of The European Council Directive 2008/114/EC defines: ‘Critical infrastructure’ (CI) means an asset, system or part thereof located in Member States which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions, health, safety, security, economic..
[Click for more information]critical infrastructure, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
16.02.2016: CIPRNet Lecture on Cyber-physical security solutions for Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) is the study, design and implemen-tation of measures (pro-action, prevention, preparation, incident response, recovery) aimed to reduce the risk that critical infrastructure fails with serious consequences and..
[Click for more information]critical infrastructure protection, Cagliari, Italy
02.02.2016: On February 2nd, CIPedia© reached 200,000 views! The successful online glossary in See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP currently receives more than 1,300 page views per day!
27.01.2016: The second CIPRNet review took place in Sankt Augustin, Germany.
04.12.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Practical experiences in technology transfer and criteria for usability in the areas of See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP and Civil Protection, Leipzig, Germany
11-13.11.2015: Second CIPRNet Master Class on Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
[Click for more information]Modelling, See computer simulation.
[Click for more information]Simulation and Analysis for Critical Infrastructures will be organised by University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome in coordination with ENEA, Rome, Italy
10.11.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Secure Estimation for Wireless measure that is modifying risk
[Click for more information]Control under Denial-of-Service Attacks, Rome, Italy
26.10.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Dependencies and more, Soesterberg, the Netherlands
26.10.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Cyber Security Aspects of Critical Infrastructures Protection, Glasgow, the UK
12.10.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Secure Estimation for Wireless measure that is modifying risk
[Click for more information]Control under Denial-of-Service Attacks, Rome, Italy
08.10.2015: CRITIS 2015 took place in Berlin, Germany. It attracted 73 participants. For the second time, the organisers bestowed the CIPRNet Young CRITIS Award (CYCA) for awarding the best scientific paper on CIP/CIR by young researchers below the age of 36. Next year's CRITIS 2016 will be held in Paris between October 10-12.
02.10.2015: Newsletter ECN 22 published
16.06.2015: New CIPRNet service: ECN Bibliography
04.06.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Railway Infrastructure Security, Rome, Italy
21.05.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Selected aspects of Critical Infrastructures cybersecurity, Bydgoszcz, Poland
07.05.2015: CIPRNet Lecture on Innovative Cybersecurity Methods for Next Generation Infrastructures, Bydgoszcz, Poland
30.03.2015: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 9, No. 1 (20)) published
22.01.2015: The Call for Papers for CRITIS 2015 has been launched.
27.11.2014: CIPRNet lecture on Power grids, smart grids and complex networks by Dr Antonio Scala will be held at UCBM in Rome on Dec 3, 2014.
CIPRNet lecture on Dynamic Functional Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
[Click for more information]Modelling of intrinsic properties of something resulting in susceptibility to a risk source that can lead to an event with a consequence
[Click for more information]vulnerability and interdependencies of Critical Infrastructures (DMCI) by Prof Paolo Trucco will be held at ENEA in Rome on January 20, 2015, 10.30 h.
07.11.2014: Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is a modelling standard emerged from the domain of water system simulation.
[Click for more information]OpenMI Symposium held in Delft. Read More.
17.10.2014: CRITIS 2014 concluded. Final programme can be found here.
16.10.2014: First CIPRNet Young CRITIS Award (CYCA) bestowed. The winner is Constantinos Heracleos. Awarded finalists are Federica Inderst and Stavros Ntalampiras. Details forthcoming on this page.
15.10.2014: New book edited by E. Kyriakides and M. Polycarpou now available: Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems.
© Springer
08.10.2014: Announcement of the Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is a modelling standard emerged from the domain of water system simulation.
[Click for more information]OpenMI cooperation meeting on 31st October in Delft. Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI) is a modelling standard emerged from the domain of water system simulation.
[Click for more information]OpenMI is the Open Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
[Click for more information]Modelling Interface, a software A (network) component is an object in a CI model e.g. a generator, a pump, a transmission line, a physical transport, a node, a substation. Components have attributes and user-specified behaviour.
[Click for more information]component interface definition which allows interactive coupling of simulations. Click here to register.
05.09.2014:CIPedia - CIPRNet multi-disciplinary online glossary of terms and definitions related to See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP now published
05.09.2014: New CIPRNet service: Selected See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP bibliography
21.08.2014:Registration to CRITIS 2014 is open.
09.07.2014: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 8, No. 2 (18)) published
25.04.2014: First CIPRNet Master Class on Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
[Click for more information]Modelling, See computer simulation.
[Click for more information]Simulation and Analysis for Critical Infrastructures has been conducted in Paris, France at UIC headquarters, attracting 40 participants.
16.04.2014: CIPRNet web site now contains an integrated glossary function of technical terms and definitions. Click on an underlined term, like The European Council Directive 2008/114/EC defines: ‘Critical infrastructure’ (CI) means an asset, system or part thereof located in Member States which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions, health, safety, security, economic..
[Click for more information]Critical Infrastructure, and get a definition.
CIPRNet plans to open its glossary to experts of the See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP community. CIPRNet partners JRC and Fraunhofer will be announcing CIPedia© shortly.
01.04.2014: CIPRNet partners' searchable list of See critical infrastructure protection
[Click for more information]CIP related research projects published.
27.03.2014:2014 call of the CIPRNet Young CRITIS Award for the best young researcher's paper in Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) is the study, design and implemen-tation of measures (pro-action, prevention, preparation, incident response, recovery) aimed to reduce the risk that critical infrastructure fails with serious consequences and..
[Click for more information]Critical Infrastructure Protection is published!
24.03.2014: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 8, No. 1 (17)) published
27.02.2014:Registration for Master Class of Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
[Click for more information]Modelling, See computer simulation.
[Click for more information]Simulation and Analysis of Critical Infrastructures (24th and 25th of April, 2014, Paris, France) is opened.
More information
14.11.2013: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 7, No. 2 (16)) published
18.09.2013: CRITIS 2013 concluded. Final programme can be found here.
CRITIS 2014: Cyprus, October 2014
CRITIS 2015: Germany, October 2015
26.08.2013: European CIIP Newsletter (Vol. 7, No. 1 (15)) published
30.07.2013: CIPRNet website online
15.07.2013: Registration for CRITIS 2013 opened!
NoE CIPRNet commenced
21.-22.3.2013: CIPRNet Kick-Off meeting in Sankt Augustin, Germany
1.3.2013: NoE CIPRNet commenced