End user training

CIPRNet consortium members aim at participating in See critical infrastructure protection
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-related demonstration and training events to present/demonstrate/reveal the progress of the project. Such events are needed in order to gather consortium members, stakeholders and the society under the same roof. The gatherings at events are essential for the progress of the CIPRNet project and significantly add to the overall value of the project. 

Moreover, such events will bring YOU as a person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity
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in contact with other international experts and researchers in the multi-disciplinary fields of See critical infrastructure
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, See critical infrastructure protection
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and See critical infrastructure protection
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related research and development. The trainings will bring you the opportunity to meet and understand your European counterparts, your positions in the complex European system of See critical infrastructure
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systems, and benefit from mutual exchange. Learn about the results of the considerable European R&D efforts in Critical infrastructure protection (CIP) is the study, design and implemen-tation of measures (pro-action, prevention, preparation, incident response, recovery) aimed to reduce the risk that critical infrastructure fails with serious consequences and..
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Critical Infrastructure Protection
research: CIPRNet members represent knowledge from over 60 such projects.

Striving towards its vision of setting up a European Infrastructures See computer simulation.
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and Analysis Centre (EISAC), CIPRNet aims at enhancing the capabilities of See critical infrastructure protection
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operators to operate with Modelling denotes the action of designing and creating a conceptual model or a computational model or a CI model or a computer simulation. Other synonyms may apply as well.
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, See computer simulation.
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and Analysis Tools (MS&A). A key training element will be an annual one and a half days course where basic methodological approaches for MS&A of critical infrastructures are illustrated together with advanced instruments and tools.